Profile Photo

Ankkita SiinglaOffline

  • Jaipur, India

Profile Info

Date of Birth


Areas of Expertise

Numerology & Vastu Shastra


5 Years

Marital Status



Jaipur, India


She is a Vastu consultant who feels that Vastu, besides resolving relationship related problems, also helps promote the business education, marriage, finance, harmony and well-being of a child. She believes that Vastu has a vital role in the birth of progeny. She has been practicing Vastu from 4 years. She has easy solutions for searching the plot, material selection, distribution of rooms, financial benefits, health benefits etc. She has clear technicality of understanding the house’s current problem and giving the right solution to it. Her focus is to make everyone’s life happy, peaceful and stress free with the knowledge of Vastu. She also practices Numerology for her clients.